Business English
The "Business English" course is your ticket to confident communication in the international business world! You’ll enjoy 8 engaging lessons, each focused on essential aspects of business communication.

This course is not just about learning - it's a gateway to new opportunities, confidence, and success in the business world. Start transforming your career today!
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    Video MP4
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53$ (5590 RUB)

Training Program
Over the course of 8 lessons, you will fully immerse yourself in the world of business English, master all the essential workplace skills, expand your vocabulary, and become one of the "sharks" of the business world.
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Introduction to Business English
Learn how to greet, introduce yourself, and build the foundation for successful communication. We'll cover basic grammar and professional vocabulary, including job titles and country names.
Business Correspondence
Discover the secrets of writing effective business emails and letters to impress your partners.

Meetings and Appointments
Master the art of organizing meetings and discussing schedules to stay aligned with your colleagues.

Telephone Communication
Learn how to clearly and professionally explain complex technical issues over the phone.

Presenting Your Company
Gain the skills to confidently and convincingly talk about your company, its services, and unique strengths.

Basic Negotiations
Dive into the art of business negotiation, discussing prices, terms, and benefits. You’ll also learn key vocabulary and grammar to make your negotiations successful.
Presentations and Reports
Discover how to vividly and professionally describe products and present information in business meetings.

Asking for and Giving Directions
Master the essential skill of navigating and giving instructions with confidence.

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