Online Learning
Classes are led personally by Yana Alekperova, the visionary behind our school, with over 13 years of experience in teaching English.

She has successfully prepared numerous students for important exams, helping them achieve their goals. Yana will personally guide your lessons, filling each session with knowledge, motivation, and a personalized approach.

All that's left for you is the easy part – choosing the right online learning option, setting a convenient time, and enjoying the fascinating world of English :)
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Online Learning (Individual Lessons)

This is the most flexible format, with lessons conducted one-on-one with a teacher. This approach allows the lessons to be fully tailored to your schedule and skill level.

The teacher provides maximum attention to your needs, focusing on the language aspects that require special emphasis. It is an ideal option for those who aim to achieve noticeable results quickly.

Lesson Duration: 60 minutes

1750 р. 2500 р.*

* Payment is made after the schedule is finalized
Online Group Learning (Up to Five Students)
This format offers the opportunity to learn in a small group, creating a dynamic and social environment.

In a group of up to five students, everyone has the chance to participate in discussions and actively practice their speaking skills.

This format encourages peer learning, allowing students to learn from each other while enhancing their communiction abilities. Additionally, group lessons are usually more affordable than individual ones, making them a more accessible option.

Lesson Duration: 60 minutes

Price: 1750 р. 2500 р.*

* Payment is made after the schedule is finalized
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